Search Results - neural+probes

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Drug-Dendrimer Nanoparticles for Targeted Treatment of Neuroinflammation
Highly effective dendrimer-drug based compositions and methods for treatment have been developed that target neuroinflammation both in the brain and the retina upon intravenous administration. The nanodevices overcome the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and deliver drugs to target cells (activated microglia and astrocytes) producing dramatic therapeutic improvements....
Published: 3/31/2014   |   Inventor(s): Rangaramanujam Kannan, Raymond Iezzi, Bharath Rajaguru, Sujatha Kannan
Keywords(s): Alzheimer's Disease, Compound, Disease, Drug Delivery, Imaging, Nanomaterials, Nanotechnology, Neural Probes, Neuro-disorders, Parkinson's, Pharmaceuticals, Therapeutics
Category(s): Drug Delivery, Therapeutics, Diseases, Life Science, Nano-based, Vision, Imaging, Neurological disorders, Dendrimer
Novel Method of Making 3-Dimensional Neural Probes
WSU researchers have developed a unique design for neural probes with both electrical and chemical interfaces, via arrays metal electrodes and micro-channels that can be easily manufactured and folded in 3D arrays. The fabrication process is post-CMOS compatible allowing simple, reliable and cost effective construction of the all the components. Methods...
Published: 2/6/2014   |   Inventor(s): Yong Xu, Yuefa Li
Keywords(s): Biotechnology, Drug Delivery, Epilepsy, Microchannels, Neural Probes, Neuroscience
Category(s): Drug Delivery, Life Science, Medical Devices, Other, MEMS, Microfluidics, Physical Sciences, Sensors